Buying loose leaf tea has many benefits including being able to mix your own blends! So let’s you have some of our Peppermint Cleanse tea, and just happen to have Sencha Green lying around – one teaspoon of each into a loose leaf infuser and you now have a lovely green mint blend!
Christmas is very nearly upon us and how better to make the most of the festive season than a pot of Christmas Tea! At Born Wild Tea we have spent the past few months searching for the perfect winter loose leaf tea blends and here they are...
Autumn is here and it’s the perfect time for tea lattes! The full flavour of tea topped with warm frothy milk is all you need for a cozy night in – a roaring fire helps too.
Our new limited edition blend is here! A big thanks to Reggae Roots Bass and World A Reggae who helped us create a fruity and delicious Jamaican inspired herbal blend.
Fruit teas work really well as iced tea, they are great for sharing with friends and are so refreshing on a hot summers day (when we get those in the UK!). Iced teas are also great for kids (caffeine free tea) and they can even use them to make ice lollies.
To get the best flavour from the different teas it is important to brew them properly. If you think green tea is too bitter you are likely burning the leaves! The best way to brew both green and white tea is to use 80°C water (leave to cool for about 4 minutes after boiling) - you will notice a massive difference so its worth doing.
Matcha powder is made from finely ground green tea leaves that were grown in the shade, allowing the leaves to maintain the most nutrients, which are then passed onto you when you drink the tea! When you drink regular green tea, you throw away the valuable and nutritious leaves after they have steeped.
You may have heard of the many health benefits of Matcha green tea and you may be interested in giving it a go! Matcha may seem slightly confusing to make at first, as it’s a different type of tea preparation, however it’s really simple once you have the right tools.
Have you ever opened up a standard teabag to take a look at what’s inside? No, probably not that would just be weird. But if you did, you would likely find very fine, dust-like tea leaves. The tea used in these bags are smaller, lesser quality leaves, often referred to as dust or fannings.